Gaudete Sunday - Fr. Steve Mondiek

About this time of the year we usually hear someone say, are you ready for Christmas? If we are true to the Advent season, we usually answer, No! What is it that we have left to do? Well, this is a penitential season so we are disciplining ourselves through prayer, sacrifice, meditation and practicing silence. We are watching and waiting as we prepare for Christ’s second coming and for Him to enter our hearts.

This particular Sunday, Gaudete Sunday, we turn our words and thoughts during Mass to rejoicing. We have much to “rejoice” about and being grateful, but that feeling of joy is oftentimes overwhelmed by a sense of panic. We all have our lists: what is there left for me to do?

Well, maybe the people that questioned John the Baptist had that same question. John is one special Advent character in our Gospel that was baptizing people in the Jordan River, proclaiming a message of repentance. The people were coming to him because they thought he might be the long-awaited Messiah.

John made sure they knew that he was not the Messiah, but one that was preparing for his arrival. If you want to know what is left to do just ask the Baptist: make straight the way of the Lord. In the Gospel of St. Luke, John tells people something very simple. He tells them to be generous, to be fair, to be honorable and to give to those in need.

There is a story that is told of the Hebrew scholar Hillel who lived 50 sum years before Our Lord. He was asked to sum up the Jewish teaching with a phrase and he said, “What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow man. That is the whole of the Torah. The rest is commentary. Now go and learn.”

John the Baptist tells his followers something similar. Generosity and fairness should not be a burden to us. Kindness is something so basic and appreciated. Reaching out to those in need. These are things that are something to be done. These can “make straight the way of the Lord.” And, that is something to rejoice over and to be grateful for.

Advent is a short season and there are not many days left. We all have many things to do. There are wreaths to be hung, trees to be trimmed, and lights to string. But John the Baptist is a reminder to us that we should spend this time also doing some personal interior redecoration. We need to take a look at ourselves. Transform your heart and not just your home.

We can look for more opportunities to be more generous with our time, talent, and treasure. We can give to those who are in need. We can pray more and make a good confession. This is what is left to do? God bless.

Holy Angels